Unveiling of the “Remember Me” Mural, American Legion, Jack Grennan, Post 62

Posted by MelissaKleincom

Saturday, Jul 20, 2024
1 pm
American Legion, Jack Grennan, Post 62 107 East Prairie Street, Sequim WA 98382
Free and open to the public

A formal unveiling of the final and key element of the “Remember Me” mural by Melissa Klein at the American American Legion, Jack Grennan, Post 62 will be held on SaturdayJul 20, 2024 at 107 East Prairie Street, Sequim WA. A performance will be given by the Sequim City band with guest speakers Holly Rowan, a Marine, Carl Bradshaw, the Commander of the American Legion, Post 62, and artist Melissa Klein. Light refreshments will be served afterward.

This mural was created as a collaborative effort between the veterans of the American Legion, Post 62, and Melissa Klein, a Sequim-based artist. It is the first representation of the military’s history and contributions in Clallam country. It aims to holistically recognize their sacrifices and spark a dialogue with community members.

The south wall of the building catches the eye with its red and white panels reminiscent of the stripes of the American flag and an eagle and stars in the dormer. Each figure and element represents a different facet of the veterans' service and the Legion's influence on our culture. These figures from left to right are the Washington Monument, a soldier with PTSD, a soldier kneeling at a grave marker, a female soldier, a family, an Afghan and American soldier, and the Vietnam War Memorial.

The Sequim Avenue side has a landscape of the Olympic Mountains, serving as a backdrop for all the service branches and significant historical equipment, including a nuclear submarine, Calvary horses and riders, Sherman Tank, jeep, Huey helicopter, and Marines, P-38, F-18, Piper Cub and Coast Guard boat. The medallions representing the service branches are placed historically from oldest to newest, with the Space Force logo on the far right.

The door features a full-body portrait of Jack Grennan, the first casualty of WWI from Clallam County, who served for 14 months before he died from war wounds, a stark reminder of the ultimate sacrifice made by our servicemen. Legion members felt it was important to show him because no matter how long ago someone sacrificed their life, their contribution means that we have freedoms that would not exist otherwise and impact our lives today.

Event Date
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Event time
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
Cost / donation
Melissa Klein,
n.com, 3608090083