Historic Fort Worden guard shack restored

Leader news staff
Posted 11/20/20

A guard shack that graced the gates of Fort Worden in the early 1900s has been restored by the nonprofit group Friends of Fort Worden. 

The group decided to restore the structure after …

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Historic Fort Worden guard shack restored

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A guard shack that graced the gates of Fort Worden in the early 1900s has been restored by the nonprofit group Friends of Fort Worden. 

The group decided to restore the structure after receiving a matching donation from long-time Port Townsend resident Michael Gilman. 

Volunteer Bill Appleton took the lead on the project and Hodge Construction served as the contractor to remove the structure’s rotten wood, flaking paint and old electrical wiring.  

“The foundation and floors were rebuilt, the interior was replaced, new electrical wiring was installed, and fresh paint was applied throughout,” Appleton said, “all meeting guidelines from the State Park Historic Preservation Officer.”

Because the shack remains portable, it could serve a number of uses at Fort Worden, Appleton said. 

Currently, considerations are being made to utilize the shack as an information booth. 

Park Manager Brian Hageman said the restored shack is a nice addition to the park and has re-established yet another link to Fort Worden’s rich history in Port Townsend. 

An all-volunteer group, Friends of Fort Worden focuses on supporting the park as a recreational, educational, historical, and natural resource.