Aidan Beil’s focus on service

by OCEAN school staff
Posted 6/26/24


As the Port Townsend community celebrates its graduating seniors, one student stands out for their remarkable achievements, unwavering dedication, and boundless passion for creating …

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Aidan Beil’s focus on service



As the Port Townsend community celebrates its graduating seniors, one student stands out for their remarkable achievements, unwavering dedication, and boundless passion for creating positive change. Meet Aidan Beil, a 17-year-old high school graduate whose journey has been defined by resilience, exploration, and a commitment to serving others.

Aidan’s high school experience began amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, as their family returned to Port Townsend from Austria. Despite the circumstances, Aidan seized every opportunity to thrive academically and socially. They dove into extracurricular activities, joining the BRAVO team where they explored marine biology and developed a newfound love for boating. This led Aidan to the Port Townsend High School Sailing Team, marking their first foray into team sports and fostering lasting friendships.

Driven by a passion for STEM, Aidan also became a key member of the PT Stem Club Robotics Team, eventually assuming the role of lead programmer. In 2022, Aidan played a pivotal role in founding the OCEAN ASB, serving as its Treasurer and advocating for student voices within the school community. Their leadership extended beyond the classroom as they represented OCEAN on the District’s Student Voice Team, demonstrating a commitment to fostering inclusivity and empowerment among their peers.

Academically, Aidan flourished at OCEAN, paving the way for their enrollment in college courses at Whatcom Community College. Their exemplary performance earned them an academic-based Admissions Achievement Award from Western Washington University, where they will pursue a dual degree in Computer Science and Sociology starting in Fall 2024.

What sets Aidan apart is their fearless pursuit of new challenges, even when they push beyond their comfort zone. When presented with the opportunity to create UltraViolet Youth, a peer support group for neurodiverse youth, Aidan initially felt daunted by the prospect. However, recognizing the potential impact on their community, they rose to the occasion, establishing a safe and inclusive space for young people to connect and thrive.

Looking ahead, Aidan envisions a future where they continue to blend their passions for technology and social justice. Their plans include pursuing a master’s degree in Computer Science, with a focus on utilizing a multidisciplinary approach to address housing, food insecurity, and educational disparities. Whether through software development or volunteering with housing and food-related nonprofits, Aidan remains steadfast in their commitment to building systems that empower individuals and promote accessibility for all.

Aidan’s teachers speak glowingly of their dedication to knowledge and advocacy. Ms. Katie Quimby describes Aidan as a student who gives their all, delving deep into topics ranging from government workings to world issues. Their writing, she notes, is both powerful and precise, reflecting their keen insight and passion for creating positive change.

As Aidan embarks on the next chapter of their journey at Western Washington University, their community eagerly anticipates the impact they will continue to make. With their boundless curiosity, unwavering determination, and compassionate spirit, Aidan Beil is poised to leave an indelible mark on the world around them.