Meaningful Movies PT presents EATING OUR WAY TO EXTINCTION

Posted by Willowtr413

Eating Our Way to Extinction - On-Line Monday, June 10, 2024 6:30 PM

EATING OUR WAY TO EXTINCTION takes audiences on a cinematic journey around the world, from the depths of the Amazon rainforests to the Taiwanese Mountains, the Mongolian desert, the US Dust Bowl, the Norwegian Fjords and the Scottish coastlines, telling the story of our planet through shocking testimonials, poignant accounts from indigenous people most affected by our ever-changing planet, globally renowned figures and leading scientists. This powerful documentary sends a simple but impactful message by uncovering hard truths and addressing, on the big screen, the most pressing issue of our generation – ecological collapse.

Confronting and entertaining, this documentary allows audiences to question their everyday choices, industry leaders and governments. Narrated by Kate Winslet. Featuring a wealth of world-renowned contributors, including Sir Richard Branson and Tony Robbins, it has a message of hope that will empower audiences.

Followed by a panel and a Q&A



Sponsors: Quimper UU Fellowship / Green Sanctuary Environmental Action Team

Event Date
Monday, June 10, 2024
Event time
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Cost / donation
free, donations accepted
Julia Cochrane,
m, 3608211926
Music & theater