Tennis anyone?

Posted 4/9/24

Warm, spring weather has arrived, and The Port Townsend Tennis Club is again seeking new players for organized Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday morning matches. There is no cost to join. The group …

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Tennis anyone?


Warm, spring weather has arrived, and The Port Townsend Tennis Club is again seeking new players for organized Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday morning matches. There is no cost to join. The group mostly plays doubles and generally uses the courts at Port Townsend High School. Men and women of all ages are welcome.

The high school has been helping to promote tennis by recently installing new nets as well as a brand new hitting wall. (Once again, there is now a place in town where rusty players can practice their strokes and prepare for competitive play. This has been lacking for several years since the courthouse court was converted to pickleball courts and the hitting wall removed.)

The tennis club is especially reaching out to new residents in the Port Townsend area who may not have yet connected with the tennis community. Visitors who would like to join in the fun are also welcome. To sign up, interested players can contact one of the organizers: David Michael: - Call/text: 360-301-4451… Or John Capps: – 206-661-0206. Please indicate your general ability level, age, tennis experience, and days of availability. Come hit with a friendly group of tennis enthusiasts! Call David Michael at 360- 301-4451.