Power outage in Ludlow and other lessons learned

Ned Luce Life in ludlow
Posted 6/11/24

The power went out one evening last week in Port Ludlow and it prompted a lot of activity around our house.

First of all, we gave thanks to whatever being controls these things because the power …

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Power outage in Ludlow and other lessons learned


The power went out one evening last week in Port Ludlow and it prompted a lot of activity around our house.

First of all, we gave thanks to whatever being controls these things because the power went out around 9:30 p.m. when it was still light enough to find the flashlights we place strategically around the house in preparation for such a catastrophe. After we had exhaustively searched said strategic locations and located additional sources of light it was time to find the “power bank” device given to us several years ago to provide battery power for our mobile phones.

We failed in that search.

We considered starting the cars with their chargers to satisfy the need to be in total connection with the rest of the world via our phones. The realization that we would be contributing to “climate change” not in a good way kept us from that strategy. In addition, we realized that our torrid courting back in the 1960s did not require mobile telephonic capability so why would we need it now? We brushed our teeth and were in bed by 10 p.m.

The next morning, I ordered a new “power bank.” When it arrived I put it away in the strategic drawer holding our emergency devices. The “power bank” I was unable to find two days earlier was then discovered.

I suspect that many of you followed the extremely moving people and ceremonies surrounding the 80th anniversary of “D-Day.” Over the years it has become increasingly clear that the World War II veterans actually did change the world and the leadership of the U.S. during and since has been on the whole positive. I saw an interview with Tom Hanks who was asked about the political problems and divisiveness of the world today and found his remarks sage. He confessed that the world has seen occasional missteps with reactions to racism, dictatorships, isolationism, politicians etc. However, he noted that over the long haul we have seen unstoppable progress toward better lives for most.

His comments reminded me that BJ and I watched the movie “On the Basis of Sex” recently. The movie covers much of the political life of former Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and the contributions she made, particularly in gender equality, one court case at a time starting back in the 1970s.

Some of us also remember that John Kennedy, the one who was president, said: “We are not afraid to entrust the American people with unpleasant facts, foreign ideas, alien philosophies, and competitive values. For a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

Furthermore, I take inspiration from Garrison Keillor: “We live in an Age of Disgruntlement and when I dine with grumpy people, I listen to their gripes and when they stop to take a breath, I talk about the great progress made in my lifetime, which irks them no end.”

In my case, I had a paper route back in Hudson, Ohio, which funded my purchase of a long-john donut prior to heading out on my 5:30 a.m. daily delivery of the Cleveland Plain Dealer in Northeastern Ohio winter’s wind-driven snow. My earnings also funded the majority of the money I needed to buy a worn-out Oklahoma quarter horse for $100. (I had outgrown the ornery Welsh pony.)

I would regularly go into the First National Bank and deposit around $4, which was entered into my savings account book by Mrs. Wernli’s fine hand. However, when I took out money, I would receive a disapproving look from her as she seemed to be judging my plans for using the $5. “Now don’t go spending it all in one place.” Now there are ATMs everywhere where I can slide in a card, get $500, and receive no disapproving looks from Mrs. Wernli. If that isn’t progress, I don’t know what is.

My friends, we live in a time and place where we have freedoms and opportunities for which we should be prepared to fight, for ourselves and those who want them. We need to learn from history and support those values and ideas that make the world a better place. In addition, let’s not forget that Mrs. Wernli actually cared about us and did her part many years ago. 

Love a curmudgeon and have a great week!
